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The lower part zte n9511 replacement screen
tested joint is mounted directly to zte n9511 replacement screen
force sensor, achieving close coupling between joint contact interactions and zte n9511 replacement screen
feedback sensor. Force disturbances arising from actuator nonlinearities or imperfections are included in zte n9511 replacement screen
force feedback measurement and become correctable by zte n9511 replacement screen
control system. If desired, zte n9511 replacement screen
mass and polar moment of inertia coupled to zte n9511 replacement screen
force sensor may be entered so that zte n9511 replacement screen
control system can cancel zte n9511 replacement screen
effect of inertial body forces.

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Each station has a temperature-controlled serum containment and circulation system for tests that are conducted in a fluid environment. The zte n9511 replacement screen
rmal plate can heat or cool zte n9511 replacement screen
serum to achieve setpoints between approximately 10°C and 45°C. The stations in a multi-station VIVO™ frame operate independently. However, zte n9511 replacement screen
VivoControl UI supports one-step copying of programs and setups between stations so that zte n9511 replacement screen
same test protocol can be executed for multiple samples.
AMTI's extensive biomechanical simulation experience coupled with modern advances in control technology has culminated in zte n9511 replacement screen
new VIVO™ control system. It is zte n9511 replacement screen
most sophisticated robotic control system available today for joint motion simulation. The control system provides two kinematic modes.
Joint Coordinate System mode - implements zte n9511 replacement screen
Grood and Suntay Joint Coordinate System (JCS). The Grood and Suntay joint coordinate system has been adopted by zte n9511 replacement screen
International Society for Biomechanics, ASTM and ISO. In G S mode, control inputs and data outputs are resolved along joint-referenced axes that coincide with clinically-meaningful directions – medial / lateral, posterior / anterior and distraction / compression translations, and flexion / extension, abduction / adduction, and internal / external rotations. The mapping function between actuator positions and Grood and Suntay coordinates is computed from a reference pose setup – zte n9511 replacement screen
user identifies zte n9511 replacement screen
Grood and Suntay coordinates of a defined joint pose, zte n9511 replacement screen
n produces that pose on zte n9511 replacement screen
test sample installed in zte n9511 replacement screen
machine, and selects command on zte n9511 replacement screen
UI. There is also a pre-defined default mapping, which may be selected at any time. Once zte n9511 replacement screen
kinematic mapping is defined, zte n9511 replacement screen
control system updates zte n9511 replacement screen
relationship between zte n9511 replacement screen
physical actuator positions and Grood and Suntay coordinates 2000 times per second. This operation assures that zte n9511 replacement screen
Grood and Suntay axes maintain zte n9511 replacement screen
ir joint-referenced definitions for all machine poses within zte n9511 replacement screen
physical workspace zte n9511 replacement screen
VIVO™. In G S mode zte n9511 replacement screen
flexion / extension axis has a range of motion of 110°. Using VIVO™’s setup features, this physical range of motion can be associated to any 110° window zte n9511 replacement screen
virtual G S flexion coordinate, subject to limits of ±180° on zte n9511 replacement screen
coordinate value.
In G S mode, every axis may operate in position-command or force-command mode. The command mode is independently selected for each axis and any combination is possible. Cartesian Coordinate System mode - for compatibility with traditional machines. In Cartesian Coordinates mode, input and output translations and linear forces are resolved along an orthogonal X-Y-Z coordinate system that is fixed with respect to zte n9511 replacement screen
frame zte n9511 replacement screen
Input and output rotations are resolved along rotational axes that coincide with zte n9511 replacement screen
physical actuator axes zte n9511 replacement screen
flexion and ab/adduction actuators, and a virtual Z-rotation actuator. In Cartesian Coordinates mode zte n9511 replacement screen
flexion arm has up to 200° range of travel.
In Cartesian Coordinates mode zte n9511 replacement screen
four axes zte n9511 replacement screen
lower stage can operate in force- or position-command mode. The flexion and ab/adduction axes operate in position mode only. Command waveforms are generated by independent 1024-point waveform buffers for each axis. The waveform is interpreted as a position (translation or rotation) or force (linear force or moment) command according to zte n9511 replacement screen
current axis command mode. Switching an axis between position and force command mode is as simple as ticking a box in zte n9511 replacement screen
setup configuration dialogue. The speed zte n9511 replacement screen
waveform is controlled by setting zte n9511 replacement screen
buffer period, which may be between 0. 5 and 100 seconds (2 to 0. 01 Hz). VIVO™ introduces an entirely new version of AMTI’s iterative learning control (ILC) algorithm.
This newly-developed, patent-pending system is implemented partly on zte n9511 replacement screen
VIVO™ realtime controller and partly in zte n9511 replacement screen
VivoControl host software. It advances zte n9511 replacement screen
state zte n9511 replacement screen
art in stability, speed of convergence, residual error and ease of tuning compared with earlier versions of ILC. The ILC system collects error data over an entire period zte n9511 replacement screen
programmed waveform.
The error is transformed into an equivalent frequency-domain representation, and various processing steps are applied, including truncation of frequencies outside zte n9511 replacement screen
range of interest, and inverse phase and magnitude compensation for zte n9511 replacement screen
axis transfer functions. The result is converted back to zte n9511 replacement screen
time domain and applied as an increment to zte n9511 replacement screen
axis positions recorded on zte n9511 replacement screen
previous cycle.
Because zte n9511 replacement screen
batch-wise processing and cyclic operation zte n9511 replacement screen
waveform, this approach produces a feed-forward compensation that, in zte n9511 replacement screen
ory, is capable of driving zte n9511 replacement screen
error to exactly zero over time. While non-repetitive disturbances in any real system will prevent true zero error, in practical applications zte n9511 replacement screen
new system usually reduces error to well below 1% of command. The learned compensation is automatically saved and can be used as zte n9511 replacement screen
starting point after a test interruption.