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phone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 clocked at up to 2GHz. Throw in a whopping 4GB of RAM and you've got a spec sheet that's primed to take on buy xiaomi charger singapore
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5. 5-inch Quad HD screen sitting front and center, or all buy xiaomi charger singapore
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Axon's audio chops, you'd be forgiven for thinking buy xiaomi charger singapore
y covered a pair of front-facing stereo speakers, but buy xiaomi charger singapore
re's only one, tiny speaker lodged in buy xiaomi charger singapore
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shutter button and volume rocker. There's a teensy patch of triangles separating buy xiaomi charger singapore
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2-megapixel secondary shooter above it, but it's basically just a decal under some protective plastic. All told, it's a neat little visual flourish that helps buy xiaomi charger singapore
Axon stand out from buy xiaomi charger singapore
crowd of conservative-looking flagships.
The jury's still out on whebuy xiaomi charger singapore
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difference past a certain point), but you won't hear me complain about how tightly packed buy xiaomi charger singapore
Axon's 5. 5-inch screen is. ZTE chose an LCD panel that uses what it calls Continuous Grain Silicon (CGS) tech, which, in a nutshell, makes for a thinner high-density display not that it made much of a difference for buy xiaomi charger singapore
Axon's waistline. Anyway, buy xiaomi charger singapore
whole thing is punchy and saturated, but not quite as overblown as what you'd experience with Samsung's Galaxy S6 or S6 Edge. In fact, it's not too far off from buy xiaomi charger singapore
screen packed into LG's G4 (which strives for more accurate colors than impactful ones). The biggest difference is a slightly warmer, almost redder undertone. I'm buy xiaomi charger singapore
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Axon strikes a solid balance here. Brightness and viewing angles were mostly great too, buy xiaomi charger singapore
former being especially important under buy xiaomi charger singapore
pounding summer sun. Thankfully, buy xiaomi charger singapore
auto-brightness setting kept things nice and legible throughout my week of testing.
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Galaxy S6 only support up to 24-bit files.
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ir phones traipsing down streets, on subways and so on and it feels this 32-bit audio push is more an academic achievement than a practical one. However! There's a bit of preloaded software that will actually change up how your audio sounds.
The Dolby Audio is installed and on by default, which computationally tweaks your tunes in buy xiaomi charger singapore
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album wore on, "Farrah Fawcett Hair" took on a more spacious feel and highlighted little bits of aural texture I never noticed before.
The thing is, Dolby's solution won't be perfect for everyone from buy xiaomi charger singapore
get-go. The default equalizer settings try to punch up buy xiaomi charger singapore
mids a little too much, leaving those highs and lows a little wimpier than I'd like. It still makes songs meatier and more satisfying than buy xiaomi charger singapore
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rwise, though, and if you're really picky, you can jump into buy xiaomi charger singapore
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One M9 it seems like an odd decision considering how important good audio is to buy xiaomi charger singapore
Axon, but we've got buy xiaomi charger singapore
laws of gadget economics to blame for that omission. At least that lone speaker is plenty loud. The Axon comes loaded with Android 5. 1. 1, and thankfully ZTE didn't feel buy xiaomi charger singapore
need to paint over it too much. Aside from some different icons and a custom time/weabuy xiaomi charger singapore
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mes to load up, called Fancy and Sports.