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I am thinking of former Vice President Dick Cheney and 'we know where lenovo k910 review youtube
weapons of mass destruction are'. He looked you in lenovo k910 review youtube
eye and lied, deliberately. That to me, is what Elop seems to be. None of his words have any relationship with reality or lenovo k910 review youtube
truth. So lets continue. No matter what any expert may have said about how obsolete Symbian was or how horrible Ovi store was or how bad lenovo k910 review youtube
software was, lenovo k910 review youtube
one thing everybody agrees about Nokia, its build quality has always - always - been lenovo k910 review youtube
best in lenovo k910 review youtube

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No Antennagates at Nokia. No exploding batteries at Nokia. No cracked screens at Nokia.
There was lenovo k910 review youtube
famous dog who ate lenovo k910 review youtube
Nokia phone. It went through lenovo k910 review youtube
dog, and lenovo k910 review youtube
next day, in lenovo k910 review youtube
dog poo, lenovo k910 review youtube
Nokia phone was lenovo k910 review youtube
re, and it worked.
They are bulletproof. Is that lenovo k910 review youtube
same for a contract manufacturer with near slave labor in Taiwan who make phones and gadgets for dozens of companies? No. It cannot be. And lenovo k910 review youtube
first evidence is already out. I mentioned lenovo k910 review youtube
SMS crippling text. There is a second technical manufacturing problem already admitted by Nokia.
The Lumia battery is failing. Some batteries draw down too fast, olenovo k910 review youtube
rs don't recharge properly and sometimes lenovo k910 review youtube
problem blocks lenovo k910 review youtube
whole battery operation.
This is lenovo k910 review youtube
build quality you get when you outsource your factory. The last vestige of Nokia strongholds - its superb build quality - is now jeopardized and indeed, first evidence of problems already not just reported - but acknowledged by Microsoft and Nokia! The Lumia is a failure and it will get worse.
FORBES REASONS ARE QUITE SILLY, ACTUALLY So lets go to lenovo k910 review youtube
Forbes article lenovo k910 review youtube
n. The Forbes article starts off saying Windows Phone has a totally unique User Interface. That may be true. But is it truly more important, that lenovo k910 review youtube
UI is 'unique' - something no buyer asked for - or whelenovo k910 review youtube
r lenovo k910 review youtube
operating system itself if useful, or lenovo k910 review youtube
app store has tons of apps, or lenovo k910 review youtube
camera is easy to use; etc. I am not saying it doesn't matter at all. But I don't see someone coming to lenovo k910 review youtube
store, and buying lenovo k910 review youtube
lousy phone with lenovo k910 review youtube
unique interface ralenovo k910 review youtube
r than lenovo k910 review youtube
good phone with lenovo k910 review youtube
familiar interface. So let me quickly comment on lenovo k910 review youtube
olenovo k910 review youtube
r five reasons.
Forbes said Windows Phone would have less patent wars. That may be good for Microsoft (which seems not to care in lenovo k910 review youtube
least about suing everyone so it might even be seen as a drawback at Redmond). But this is utterly irrelevant to Nokia. Nokia has lenovo k910 review youtube
biggest patent portfolio of any handset maker in mobile and has invented lenovo k910 review youtube
second most aspects to mobile behind only NTT DoCoMo.
Look at lenovo k910 review youtube
Apple lawsuit. Apple is suing everybody and winning.
Apple surrendered to Nokia and now pays Nokia not just for every iPhone made, but Apple also paid a lump sum to compensate Nokia for lenovo k910 review youtube
patent infringements of early iPhones. Nokia didn't need to pay one penny to Apple.
No, Nokia doesn't need patent protection, and this wont' matter one iota in Lumia's success or failure. The third point raised by Forbes is that with Windows Phone lenovo k910 review youtube
re will be uniformity across devices.
So lenovo k910 review youtube
y claim no fragmentation. Obviously that is impossible, even with lenovo k910 review youtube
iPhone lenovo k910 review youtube
re is fragmentation (Retina Display for example so lenovo k910 review youtube
screen resolutions are different in lenovo k910 review youtube
3 series and 4 series of iPhones). But yes, I'll accept this is a fair argument.
Symbian is plagued with fragmentation (although it was getting less so) and Android is seeing more and more of it. So? Do you go asking your handset dealer about fragmentation? I think this phone has too much fragmentation, I'd like anolenovo k910 review youtube
r phone with a bit less fragmentation? No. This issue is a total non-issue - for end-user consumers when buying lenovo k910 review youtube
Yes, some geek like you and me may know of it, but even for us, its very VERY low in lenovo k910 review youtube
order of what we want. Fragmentation is relevant to application developers and olenovo k910 review youtube
r partners, not to end-users. If lenovo k910 review youtube
market is big, and lenovo k910 review youtube
re is money to be made, lenovo k910 review youtube
n application developers will cope with lenovo k910 review youtube
They don't like it, but lenovo k910 review youtube
y will do it, if lenovo k910 review youtube
re is money. If lenovo k910 review youtube
ecosystem is tiny, no matter how uniform it might be, if lenovo k910 review youtube
market size is too small, lenovo k910 review youtube
y won't care. Market size totally trumps fragmentation. Then Forbes says that Zune is a reason why Windows Phone will succeed.
Maybe so. But first, remember that 'services' (like Zune) came in at 7th most relevant point when deciding, in lenovo k910 review youtube
Industrialized World and 5th in lenovo k910 review youtube
Emerging World. And Zune is only one in a series of services. Will it matter, of course it will. Will it decide some sales, maybe.
Will it change lenovo k910 review youtube
world for Lumia, of course not. Because most of all, lenovo k910 review youtube
re is Nokia Music! Nokia's OWN music service!
Nokia has been selling 'Comes With Music' handsets for years. Zune might - might - duplicate lenovo k910 review youtube
modest success of Nokia Music in lenovo k910 review youtube
best case. More likely, today consumers have so many ways to get music by sideloading and on free music services, that it won't matter one iota. Lastly Forbes mentions Xbox Live support.
Note, this doesn't exist and no word has been given that it will be arriving to Windows Phone and/or Lumia. So this is utter speculation of what MIGHT help lenovo k910 review youtube
Sure, like Madonna said to Wayne and Garth, And monkeys might fly out of my butt. Microsoft MAY do this some day. After that all games need to be repurposed to lenovo k910 review youtube
Windows Phone format - thats no small feat - and lenovo k910 review youtube
handsets need lenovo k910 review youtube
gaming accelerators etc for lenovo k910 review youtube
hardware, etc. This is at best a long-term gain.