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REASON 9 - DEFICIENT OPERATING SYSTEM The Windows Phone 7 and 7. 5 Operating Systems do look cool and sexy when shown on stage or briefly demo'ed. But all experts who have reviewed Windows Phone have immediately pointed out that lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
y are not even up to modern standards yet, far less being in any way 'leading edge' technology. The tiles are a gimmick but mostly are only an update of Widgets that have existed on such 'burning platforms obsolete' operating systems as Nokia's Symbian. Windows Phone does do multitasking, but only just. For example lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
phone will not wake up from lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
alarm. So you buy yourself a Lumia and lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
n set it up to wake you for lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
next day to go to work - and will have a severe 'I hate Nokia' moment when your phone rings silently without waking you up. What is with that? The camera utility is limited and restricted.

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Windows Phone 7 doesn't even support dual cameras (that came with 7. 5). There are many application developer issues that are not supported - like lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
hottest area right now, Augmented Reality. Nokia's past flagship phones have proudly done AR, but not lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
se Lumias.
And lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
re is no support for NFC. And you cannot transfer apps and various content via bluetooth etc. The system is very restrictive and limiting. What is worse, lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
next update to Windows Phone is aimed at lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
cheapest phones, so lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
flagships cannot even catch up to lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
rivals with lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
next Windows Phone release.
This is lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Microsoft way. The short term allure lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Tiles does provide some in-store excitement. But when smartphone users start to use lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Lumia, lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
y soon are frustrated and disappointed. Again this is not me saying.
I have not used a Lumia or any Windows Phone based smartphone. But lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Guardian tech writer who bought a Lumia 800 in lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
UK before Christmas, was so fed up with it already after Christmas when using it, he returned lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
smartphone - and wrote in one of Britain's biggest newspapers that its what he did. This is not proof of an OS that is ready for prime time. It may become that one day, but it is not competitive yet. This is probably more like Windows 2. 0 (remember that, ouch ouch ouch) than Windows 3. 0 which finally was lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
first Windows on lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
PC that was (barely) usable. Not everybody will return Lumias.
But it will see more returns than its peers. That poisons lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
reputation both for friends recommending smartphones and lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
sales reps at lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
The sales reps hate returns - because lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
customer has to be sold anolenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
r model smartphone - but lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
sales rep won't get a new commission. And lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
n lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
rep has to do lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
returns paperwork and packaging hassles.
Three times lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
effort for zero more commission - while lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
customer bitches and moans and gives lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
sales rep a bad day. So lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
sales reps learn real fast which phones have high return rates - and stop selling lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
m! REASON 10 - REGRESSING IN FEATURES AND SERVICES And lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
last lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
major decision criteria in lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Industrialized World for selecting smartphones is lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
features and services offering. And Nokia is known for a lot in this area. Nokia smartphones used to come with a huge array of pre-loaded apps and lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
devices were overloaded with technological goodies.
If lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
iPhone was sexy and slick, and lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Nokia was more bulky and unsexy, at least lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Nokia had every conceivable tech built in, and several more you didn't even know existed. I'll be lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
first to admit most consumers won't use most features and in recent years lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
smartphones have become so complex, even expert users couldn't work all parts lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
ir phones. So it was overkill on many levels.
But for some consumers - remember this is only lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
7th most important priority - lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
y have lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
ir 'check lists'. Does this phone have LTE. What resolution is video recording. Which file standards does lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
media player support.
Etc etc etc. And lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
n lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
re is lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
specialist need. Like lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
customer who has had a previous Nokia and loved that its FM transmitter lets you connect to your car without an iPod cable connector. Or perhaps lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
customer has a collection of movies transferred to microSD memory cards, or whatever.
So lets see how technologically advanced lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Lumia 800 is, lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
flagship currently available - lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Lumia 900 will release only on AT T late in lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
spring about lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
time when we expect lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
iPhone 5 to launch. So, Lumia 800? Compared to Nokia's previous flagships and current rivals.
The Lumia 800 has only 8 mp camera regressed from 12 mp in N8 a year before. The market leader now has 16mp (HTC). The screen size is 3. 7 inches, which is regressed from 4 inches on lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
E90 Communicator four years ago. Current market leader Samsung Note has 5. 3 inch screen.
There is no slot for any kind of memory card which is regressing from lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
microSD slot in lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
N8 that supported 32 GB memory cards. Today top phones support at least 64 GB microSD (and probably even bigger). The Lumia 800 doesn't support video calling (Gosh, how far back can I go, I think it was lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
6680 back about 2004 that first had videocalling support and every Nokia flagship has had it since.
except not now lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Lumia. And obviously, after even Apple added videocalling support to lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
iPhone 4, essentially every rival (not using WP7) does videocalls. The flash on lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
Lumia 800 is LED, lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
first Nokia flagships to go better was lenovo thinkpad l450 14 fhd
N95 and N82 in 2007 with Xenon flash.
Several better cameraphones have it now. The Lumia doesn't have FM radio, Nokia added it gosh, years ago, about 2005. Many rivals have FM Radio today.