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new phone’s feature set worth its high price tag? Join us for our Nokia Lumia 1020 review to find out. Contrary to what you might expect, order xiaomi di indonesia
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ugly stick.

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Lumia 1020 isn’t a pretty phone. But that’s okay. Because order xiaomi di indonesia
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920 have all been sacrificed in order to accommodate order xiaomi di indonesia
1020’s lanyard hole giant camera. The 41-megapixel PureView module is made of aluminum, and it rises like an Oreo-sized pimple from order xiaomi di indonesia
surrounding polycarbonate.

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phone’s display. The glass is smooth and just slightly curved, order xiaomi di indonesia
screen itself a 4. 5-inch AMOLED panel delivering WXGA resolution (1280 x 768, about 334ppi) and vibrant colors paired with stunningly deep blacks. Given its enhanced side-visibility and newly-adjustable settings (see Software, below) it’s a wonderful step up from order xiaomi di indonesia
920’s LCD panel – and yes, it’s still got super-sensitive touch, PureMotion HD+, and all order xiaomi di indonesia
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r wonderful, buzzword-y touches of that predecessor.

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1020’s internals don’t really stand out – especially not given 2013’s recent wave of quad-core superphones. That’s par for order xiaomi di indonesia
course with Windows Phones, though, which have never been demons on order xiaomi di indonesia
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y haven’t needed to be). The 1020 does ship with double order xiaomi di indonesia
RAM of most oorder xiaomi di indonesia
r Windows Phones, though (2GB vs 1GB), and it also includes a barometer as part of its sensor package – a nice addition we hope developers will take advantage of when crafting navigation, weaorder xiaomi di indonesia
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2000 mAh (7. 6 Wh) battery are removable or expandable. We’re used to embedded batteries at this point -after all, you can always carry around an external charger- but order xiaomi di indonesia
lack of MicroSD expansion means you’ll have to stay very chummy with your SkyDrive account if you’re going to be taking lots of photos with this device.

Which, to be clear, you will be. Windows Phone 8’s software experience is very consistent across almost all hardware makes and models. If you’re considering jumping to order xiaomi di indonesia
1020 from a dumbphone or anoorder xiaomi di indonesia
r platform, and want order xiaomi di indonesia
skinny on what to expect from Microsoft’s OS, allow us to direct you to our full deep-dive review on Windows Phone 8. On order xiaomi di indonesia
whole, we’re happy to report that order xiaomi di indonesia
1020 runs order xiaomi di indonesia
OS just as smoothly and reliably as its predecessors. All order xiaomi di indonesia
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platform like Live Tiles and order xiaomi di indonesia
Modern UI design language are here, and of course Nokia’s special suite of exclusive apps continue to do a nice job of completing order xiaomi di indonesia
Windows Phone experience.

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world’s third-largest mobile platform. More interestingly, order xiaomi di indonesia
Lumia 1020 is one order xiaomi di indonesia
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combination of Microsoft’s GDR2 and Nokia’s Amber software updates, meaning order xiaomi di indonesia
1020 offers some order xiaomi di indonesia
UI enhancements we showed you in our Lumia 925 review.

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