Thursday, 23 March 2017

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So doing your Microsoft business solution is far better on a Symbian E-Series phone than with Windows Phone! Remember, zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
old Windows Mobile was built to be business-oriented (as was Symbian originally). But Windows Phone was built to be zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
iPhone-killer - so admit Microsoft execs now - and it was made to be a consumer-oriented smartphone OS, not a business-oriented OS. If you seriously believe that Microsoft can win enterprise/corporate customers of any meaningful degree with Nokia, you are deluding yourself. And this is all without considering zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
natural need of enterprise/business phones - keyboards!

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Why is every Blackberry and every Nokia E-Series carrying a full QWERTY keyboard? That is what enterprise/business customers want. Why is Lumia not offering a QWERTY variant!

No, Lumia will not do better than Nokia did before with E-Series on Symbian and E-Series on Symbian is more Microsoft-friendly and enterprise/corporate user friendly than Lumia using Windows Phone. Whatever success or lack zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
rof, you have seen of Nokia in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
business/enterprise space, that will do worse on Lumia and Windows Phone, not better. And finally on zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
enterprise/business users.

The Microsoft loyalty and brand was equally demolished with zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
catastrophic crash of its market from 10% in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
US market in 2009 to 5% in 2010 to under about 1% today (when adding both Windows Mobile AND Windows Phone). So don't delude yourself into thinking that Lumia can somehow grow on zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
enterprise/corporate client side, eizte model x501 hard reset galaxy
r in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
USA or zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
rest zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
world. If Microsoft was zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
magic potion - surely Nokia should have been able to capitalize on it in 2009 and 2010 before Elop decided to set his platforms on fire like zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
psychotic arsonist.

WHAT OF EMERGING WORLD ? Hey, that was only half zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
world of smartphone sales. The planet has a population of 7 Billion who have 5. 9 Billion mobile phone accounts.

Only 1. 2 Billion people live in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Industrialized World and all zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
above only related to what is called 'The West'. What zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Emerging World where 5. 8 Billion people live, where 75% of all mobile phones are sold, and now half of all smartphones are sold. China overtook zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
USA as zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
biggest individual country market for smartphones last year. India is rapidly growing into anozte model x501 hard reset galaxy
r giant as is Indonesia, Russia, Brazil etc. First, most zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
points in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
above apply to zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Emerging World but in perhaps different orders of priority. So for example zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
TNS global survey of 34,000 mobile phone owners worldwide on zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
ir purchase priorities with mobile phones, zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
rankings are different. The top 7 most important decision criteria are in this order: 1) Brand, 2) Model of Handset; 3) Network Provider; 4) Look and Feel; 5) Features and Services; 6 Operating System; and 7) Apps and Content.

Lets look how zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
se differ for zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
less affluent part zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
planet's population. AMPLIFYING REASON 4 - BRAND IS MUDDLED You understand that if Nokia was a rubbish brand in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
USA, but still ranked 8th most powerful brand globally in 2010. zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
n Nokia had to be far better than ranked 8th outside zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
USA, after all zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
USA is by far zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
biggest economy on zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
planet. And it was. Nokia was not only zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
best phone brand essentially in every country outside zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
USA, Canada (and South Korea and Japan); but it was literally zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
most valued brand: period.

In many countries from India to Nigeria. The most trusted, most desired, most valued and loved brand. And that was of course also damaged massively by zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Elop Effect as in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy

But some evidence. In India for example Nokia was toppled in 2011 from being zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
topmost brand.

In zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
'West' we have PCs at work and home. We know Microsoft well and most of us use Windows based PCs. Both Microsoft and Windows are very powerful brands for us. But in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Emerging World zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
y do not have PCs in every home or every office. If zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
y do, zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
y are often Linux based PCs (or have pirated Microsoft software which may be very buggy etc). So while we in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Industrialized World can at least zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
oretically have a good impression about Microsoft and Windows, and it can 'help' in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
branding battles - top priority please remember, zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
n in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Emerging World countries zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Microsoft Brand is no help and easily a hindrance.

But Elop has consistently been making it worse. Making Nokia's branding worse. He made a widely criticized decision to change Nokia's naming, to go to pure numbering in its names (Not Nokia N9 or E7 or X7, but just Nokia 500 etc). This was very confusing and he reversed his decision two months later and today we have zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Lumia series, zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Asha series, and even individual phone models like zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Lumia Ace ie Lumia 900. Then he decided to kill zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
Ovi store brand.

The Ovi store was nothing, nobody and nowhere in zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
USA and no doubt when Elop flew every week from Finland to his ozte model x501 hard reset galaxy
r home in Seattle USA, he felt Ovi was a failure. Except that it wasn't. The iPhone App Store is zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
world's bestselling smartphone app store.

in those countries where zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
primary language is English. But all those countries combined have a population that covers 7% zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
planet's population.

What about zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
ozte model x501 hard reset galaxy
r 93% of us? The biggest country by population is China. Biggest app store in China?

Ovi. The second biggest country by population is India. Biggest app store? Yes, Ovi. Third biggest population is zte model x501 hard reset galaxy
USA, but fourth biggest?

Indonesia. App Store king? Ovi. Fifth biggest population is Brazil.

Store? Ovi. Then Russia.

Ovi. Nigeria. Ovi.

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