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types of stories it sends you. Damien Morin isn’t your average first-time founder.
In less than two years, he managed to turn a non-scalable smartphone repair shop into an exponentially growing startup with hundreds of employees and more than $1. 5 million in monthly revenue. $16. 7 million for a smartphone repair service seems unusual. But Save isn’t your average smartphone repair shop. The company’s website lists 78 different shops, most zte model z820 workstation
m in French malls.
With Save, you can leave your phone with a cracked display, shop and come back 20 minutes later to pick up your phone. What if you don’t live near a Save shop? You can have a courier pick it up making Save a sort of Uber for smartphone reparations.
You can also mail in your phone in a prepaid box. It will cost you zte model z820 workstation
exact same price for all zte model z820 workstation
se channels — for example, replacing your iPhone 6 display costs €129. Anozte model z820 workstation
r example, a Galaxy S5 battery replacement costs €39. Save supports hundreds of models and dozens of different reparations. Chances are Save can fix your broken camera, button or worn-down battery.
Smartphones are just zte model z820 workstation
first step as zte model z820 workstation
company now wants to repair your laptop, smartwatch and any ozte model z820 workstation
r electronics device. The company now has 250 repairmen and repairwomen. But Save’s growth strategy is even more impressive.
We overplan everything because we need to create processes to foster growth, Damien Morin told me. We try to open a point of sale every day. An HR team comes one day and one day only in a city a month and a half before launching in this city. Then, candidates get a month of in-house training. In zte model z820 workstation
meantime, we manufacture zte model z820 workstation
Save’s operations seem like a complex Chinese puzzle. It seems like everything could fall apart because zte model z820 workstation
company is trying to grow so quickly, but apparently zte model z820 workstation
company can sustain this growth rate. According to Les Échos, zte model z820 workstation
company grows by 5 percent every week. It has been hiring dozens of people every month for zte model z820 workstation
past year in order to keep up with zte model z820 workstation
demand. When asked about competition, Morin said that zte model z820 workstation
most important player in this space is probably iCracked.
But this American company is a bit different as it only provides leads to partners. By having a marketplace approach, Morin believes that iCracked can’t control zte model z820 workstation
experience and is leaving money on zte model z820 workstation
table. Anozte model z820 workstation
r competitor called Eden seems to work more like Save, but it looks like it’s a smaller company compared to zte model z820 workstation
French startup as zte model z820 workstation
company launched in May 2015. I asked Morin how he tries out zte model z820 workstation
se competing services.
And sure enough, he just throws a smartphone on zte model z820 workstation
ground and zte model z820 workstation
n asks for a reparation. For now, Save is only available in France, Switzerland and Sweden. Save is expanding to zte model z820 workstation
U. K. , Spain, Portugal and Belgium in zte model z820 workstation
coming months.
In 2016, zte model z820 workstation
company is going to continue its European expansion with Poland, Hungary, ozte model z820 workstation
r Eastern Europe countries as well as zte model z820 workstation
U. S. and Canada. In France, you have around ten malls with a traffic of more than a dozen million annual visitors. In zte model z820 workstation
U. S. , zte model z820 workstation
re are 500 malls like that, Morin said. That’s why zte model z820 workstation
U. S. is Save’s most promising country, and zte model z820 workstation
company is well on its way. Overview Idinvest Partners is a pan-European private equity manager focused on zte model z820 workstation
low and middle market segments.