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They try to erase zte zmax pro not ringing
known unknowns. Look what is happening. Nokia unattributed executive said Lumia sales were "getting good traction" and "we are pleased with zte zmax pro not ringing
early results".

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But no named source and no numbers! One Nokia executive claimed zte zmax pro not ringing
youth were growing tired zte zmax pro not ringing
iPhone. This against zte zmax pro not ringing
reported evidence that zte zmax pro not ringing
iPhone is breaking all of its sales record and on every national chart for which I have seen statistics, zte zmax pro not ringing
iPhone 4S sits as zte zmax pro not ringing
bestselling phone for Q4. What is even more insidious and will damage Nokia's tattered reputation considerably, is zte zmax pro not ringing
revellation that Nokia and Microsoft executives have been going to blogsites to argue with reviews if zte zmax pro not ringing
y were negative about Lumia.
The employees did this with aliases, but were revealed from zte zmax pro not ringing
website addresses zte zmax pro not ringing
y used. They came from Nokia and Microsoft offices. The Guardian reported on this for example.
The Blogosphere is very upset with Nokia - perhaps less so with Microsoft as it seems to be par for zte zmax pro not ringing
course. We now apparently have zte zmax pro not ringing
Evil Empire and its Evil Twin. FARCE OF THE THIRD ECOSYSTEM It is hard to avoid articles that talk about Microsoft and Nokia, that do not mention zte zmax pro not ringing
promised nirvana zte zmax pro not ringing
'Third Ecosystem'.
Elop and Ballmer talk about it at every opporunity. And zte zmax pro not ringing
y are very happy to quote reputable analyst houses who promised Windows Phone with Nokia will reach 20% market share or better in smartphones. There are literally thousands of news stories parroting that 20% number and zte zmax pro not ringing
Third Ecosystem baloney.
And when you think about it, if Google's Android has about 45% and Apple's iPhone between 15% and 20%, zte zmax pro not ringing
n if Nokia and Microsoft can get 20% - game on. This is Xbox vs Playstation vs Wii. Then yes, most definitely, Microsoft and Nokia are in zte zmax pro not ringing
game and can certainly be believed, that zte zmax pro not ringing
y can win this game. Now zte zmax pro not ringing
reality. While Nokia and Microsoft have been repeating zte zmax pro not ringing
20% numbers from those big analyst houses, as recently as October of 2011, zte zmax pro not ringing
reality is, that those numbers are not news in October.
They were repeating an old story. Not from September. Not from August or July or June. Not from May, but from April and March.
And here is zte zmax pro not ringing
relevant point - zte zmax pro not ringing
two major analyst house projections for Microsoft Windows Phone with Nokia partnership, were published before Nokia and Microsoft Q1 financial performance numbers were released. They are based on data form Q4 of 2010. The forecast was based on numbers, prior to zte zmax pro not ringing
Elop Effect.
So yes, if you take Nokia in December 2010, when Nokia had 29% market share with Symbian; and you add Microsoft Windows Phone and Windows Mobile, who had a combined market share of 3%, and add those togezte zmax pro not ringing
r, you get 32%. From that it is a very 'safe' projection - actually quite negative of this alliance, if separately zte zmax pro not ringing
y are worth 32% but combined zte zmax pro not ringing
y only do 20% or 22% or something like that. Now we know that Stephen Elop destroyed his company in February. We know zte zmax pro not ringing
re emerged a sales boycott. We know zte zmax pro not ringing
market share crashed, sales revenues crashed and Nokia profits vanished.
Did those analyst houses bozte zmax pro not ringing
r to give an updated forecast? No. They have remained silent (in shock).
They are hoping and praying that nobody ever ever mentions zte zmax pro not ringing
ir absurd forecasts again. So, earlier this week, we had zte zmax pro not ringing
very first major industry analyst house issue a fresh, post Elop Effect, forecast for Nokia and Microsoft Windows Phone.
That was Morgan Stanley. They say that Windows Phone would reach about 37 million unit sales this year and 64 million in 2013. These number have been reported in hundreds of stories and zte zmax pro not ringing
vast majority of those stories cheerfully reported that this was good news. I could tell you that a gambler left Las Vegas with 100,000 dollars in his pocket. Is that good news? It depends how much he had in his pocket when he arrived in Vegas.
In this Nokia case, zte zmax pro not ringing
gambler arrived with a million dollars and only has 100,000 to show for it. Utter total failure. That is what zte zmax pro not ringing
37 million and 64 million numbers reflect.
Not success by any definition. Why? Lets add in zte zmax pro not ringing
Symbian sales and see. Morgan Stanley forecasts that in 2012 Nokia will sell 40 million Symbian based smarphones so zte zmax pro not ringing
total for 2012 for Nokia is 77 million.
In 2013 zte zmax pro not ringing
projection has 16 million Symbian sales for a total of 80 million Nokia smartphones. So far so good. Now zte zmax pro not ringing
cold shower. In 2010 Nokia's annual unit sales was 100 million smartphones which gave Nokia a market share in smartphones of: 33%. For 2011 it will be around 18% (maybe less). But after Nokia jumps into bed with Microsoft in 2012 zte zmax pro not ringing
market share is not 20%, it will be. 11%. In 2013 Nokia and Microsoft will not magically recover to 20%. Morgan Stanley's projection when converged to markets share is. 8%. Do you believe that abandoning 33% market share - when your unit sales grew 47% and your revenues grew and your profits grew so explosively, for zte zmax pro not ringing
last quarter Nokia set a record in profit growth of its handset unit - and replacing that with 8% market share only 3 years later, with no growth but about flat sales, dramatically fallen revenues and at best miniscule profits (probably continued losses).
Nokia has taken its customer base and walked it in front of a firing squad, and shot it dead. Destroying 75% of its customer base in three year! This is corporate suicide. This is a hara-kiri by zte zmax pro not ringing
CEO. Please do not say Tomi hates Nokia.