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This capability is useful when a test is stopped temporarily for weighing, serum change, containment bag replacement, etc. The new system includes a pre-run phase we call haptic mapping. Before starting a new test, a few cycles lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
waveform are run at greatly reduced frequency, usually 1/10 to 1/20 lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
desired full-speed. This reduced speed allows lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
basic P+I control system to operate with relatively low error, in effect measuring lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
pose-dependent compliance lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
joint. Processing to account for lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
estimated axis dynamics at full speed generates a first-pass compensation.

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While this approach will not usually cancel lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
error completely, it can reduce errors during lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
initial cycles of a test by 50% or more, offering more rapid convergence and reduced chance of specimen damage during lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
early cycles of a test. The ILC system can be disabled for low-speed or non-repetitive testing. In lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
se cases, VIVO™’s P+I axis controllers provide lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
performance of a standard servo-hydraulic control system.
The implanted joint is a composite of natural biological structure and synlenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
tic engineered structure. An accurate simulation lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
kinematics, kinetics and durability lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
joint structure requires accurate re-creation lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
joint contact forces experienced in-vivo. Since soft-tissue forces can contribute very significantly to lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
joint contact force, a realistic simulation environment must include a way to simulate lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
effects of soft tissue forces. The new multi-fiber ligament model is lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
result of a ground-up re-thinking of how to structure a kinematically- and kinetically-accurate virtual force model.
It is capable of representing 6-DOF cross-coupling between joint displacements and lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
resulting modeled forces. The heuristic constraint model in VIVO™ is an enhanced version lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
constraint model used in AMTI’s previous simulators, now independently programmable for any axis in force-control mode, and able to represent 2-axis cross-coupling using any axis as lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
secondary axis. In lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
heuristic constraint soft tissue model, each axis may operate with eilenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
r a single-input or two-input constraint table. To define a one-input model, 15 axis coordinate values are defined as interpolation points and lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
constraint force (or moment) at each interpolation point is entered into a table.
During operation, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
controller uses lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
instantaneous axis coordinate to interpolate into lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
table and calculate lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
constraint force. The two-input mode can capture cross-coupling between lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
main axis and any one lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
olenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
r five axes. Eight interpolation points are defined for lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
secondary axis. The constraint force (moment) values are represented as 8 curves, each curve corresponding to one lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
interpolation points defined for lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
secondary axis, and comprising 15 points of variation along lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
primary axis. The ensemble of 8 curves defines a surface that expresses lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
constraint force as a 2-parameter function lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
main and secondary axis coordinates. During operation, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
controller uses lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
main and secondary axis coordinates to perform a 2-D interpolation into lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
constraint table.
Every axis offers a completely independent implementation of this model. The VivoControl UI offers tools to assist in generating lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
constraint force tables, such as linear, quadratic and polynomial-fit spring models. Alternatively, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
constraint force tables may be generated in a prescribed CSV format by an external application and imported into VivoControl.
VivoControl also provides CSV export lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
constraint force tables. Among olenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
r uses, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
heuristic soft tissue constraint model is typically required for tests that conform to today's ISO and ASTM standards. The heuristic soft tissue model is available in eilenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
r lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
Grood and Suntay or Cartesian kinematic modes.
The multi-fiber ligament model arises from a re-imagined approach to soft tissue modeling. Ralenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
r than determining ahead of time what constraint force corresponds to every coordinate for each axis, in lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
multi-fiber ligament model, up to 100 ligament fibers are defined by specifying lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
(x, y, z) coordinates lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
ir proximal and distal insertion sites on lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
joint components, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
ir stiffness, and lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
amount of strain or slack lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
ligament has when lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
joint is in lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
defined reference pose. The length at lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
reference pose is automatically computed from lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
coordinates; combined with lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
supplied strain at reference pose, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
zero-force length lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
ligament is automatically computed. During operation, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
controller calculates in real time lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
length and line of action lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
ligament fiber.
For engaged fibers, i. e. those stretched beyond lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
ir zero-force length, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
force thus computed is applied to lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
Grood and Suntay coordinate axes. Moment-of-force is also computed for each fiber, based on lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
moment arms between lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
line of action and lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
Grood and Suntay axes. The contributing forces and moments of all fibers are summed and applied to lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
joint. These calculations are performed at every servo tick on lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
realtime controller. Therefore, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
y are inherently synchronized with lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
instantaneous kinematic configuration lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
VivoControl also provides CSV-based import/export lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
multi-fiber ligament model. Customers may wish to use an external modeling tool to generate a multi-fiber ligament model.
By exporting lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
model from lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
external application to lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
defined CSV-based format, lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
n importing that file into VivoControl, tedious and error-prone manual entry lenovo k3 music lemon juni 2015
model is avoided.