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traditional functions of plain old central processing units (CPUs) and are now responsible for a wide array of functions including power saving, system memory and video processing. Whenever a hot new smartphone hits xiaomi cell phone price in india
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key specifications techies look at is its processor, which is primarily responsible for running xiaomi cell phone price in india
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traditional functions of plain old central processing units (CPU) and are now responsible for an array of functions including power saving, system memory and video processing.

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"Computers used to have a CPU and xiaomi cell phone price in india
n a bunch of oxiaomi cell phone price in india
r functions laid out on separate chips," explains Aaron Vronko, xiaomi cell phone price in india
cofounder of Rapid Repair. "Today xiaomi cell phone price in india
y still have xiaomi cell phone price in india
same different parts but xiaomi cell phone price in india
y're all packaged as part of same chip. "Take, for example, xiaomi cell phone price in india
newest iPhone processor, known as xiaomi cell phone price in india
Apple A4, which is built around an ARM Cortex-A8 core that takes up less than one-fourth xiaomi cell phone price in india
entire chip. The rest xiaomi cell phone price in india
processor is filled with power-saving logic cores, analog circuits and video digital-to-analog converters (DAC), among oxiaomi cell phone price in india
r features. Kyle Wiens, xiaomi cell phone price in india
cofounder of iFixit, says that xiaomi cell phone price in india
chief advantage of putting so many functions onto one chip is that it allows handset makers to stack flash-memory chips directly on top xiaomi cell phone price in india
processor chip, thus significantly speeding up xiaomi cell phone price in india
interactions between xiaomi cell phone price in india
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device's RAM. Additionally, he says that merging so many functions into one chip also significantly reduces processing time since it greatly lessens xiaomi cell phone price in india
physical distance of circuits within xiaomi cell phone price in india
These sorts of design efficiencies are enabling xiaomi cell phone price in india
development of smartphone processors whose speed and power are increasing by leaps and bounds every year. Consider that last year's iPhone 3GS ran on an ARM Cortex A8 that clocked in at 600MHz; one year later, xiaomi cell phone price in india
Apple A4 processor is running at an even speedier 1GHz. Meanwhile, Qualcomm has already announced plans to release even faster processors, as it is slated to start shipping a 1. 5GHz version of its Snapdragon processor series later this year that will be capable of supporting 1080p HD video applications on smartphones. Anoxiaomi cell phone price in india
r upside to growing efficiencies in processor design is that it means xiaomi cell phone price in india
processor will also use power more efficiently than older CPUs. Saving power wherever possible is particularly important since most of today's smartphones have features that drain battery life at a much faster rate than processors ever could, especially 3G radios and LCD screens.
This, notes Wiens is largely why today's smartphone processors have so many parts that are designed to shut off features that have been idle for a certain length of time. "Over time we will see more and more circuits in xiaomi cell phone price in india
se devices that are dedicated to saving power," he says. "They are going to be using lot more transistors to make sure that you're only using what you need to use at a given time. "The good news is that xiaomi cell phone price in india
re's still a lot of room to improve processor efficiency, especially since xiaomi cell phone price in india
re are still plenty of functions that have yet to be incorporated into xiaomi cell phone price in india
devices' main processor chips. In terms xiaomi cell phone price in india
Apple A4, for instance, Vronko says that many xiaomi cell phone price in india
peripheral functions, such as xiaomi cell phone price in india
GPS and cellular tower communication, are still separate from xiaomi cell phone price in india
central processor. Over time, Vronko expects chip makers will come up with even more ways to boost design efficiency and cram even more functions onto a single chip. "The A4 is xiaomi cell phone price in india
first generation of Apple having its own processor," he says. "So I'd expect Apple to integrate more peripheral processors like GPS or xiaomi cell phone price in india
base band radio into xiaomi cell phone price in india
chip in future versions.
That will translate to better manufacture design, better devices and lower manufacturing costs. "Wiens also expects chips to continue becoming more compact and complex, which will also add to xiaomi cell phone price in india
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