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The smartphone upgrade wishlist has remained largely unchanged over como liberar zte n9510 gratis
last several years. Our handsets should be faster, and thinner, and eke out as much battery life as physics will allow. Qualcomm’s latest processor, como liberar zte n9510 gratis
Snapdragon 835, lets device manufacturers check all of those boxes, but it also adds a healthy dollop of future to como liberar zte n9510 gratis
mix. This is a processor built for next-generation connectivity, photography, and virtual reality—and it’s not just for smartphones. Announced at CES, como liberar zte n9510 gratis
835 is como liberar zte n9510 gratis
latest in Qualcomm’s line of industry-dominant processors (Qualcomm chips are inside scores of Android phones, but not como liberar zte n9510 gratis
iPhone, which Apple powers with its its homegrown guts. ) And while its iterative improvements are certainly welcome, it’s como liberar zte n9510 gratis
broader applications that may end up mattering most. The Snapdragon 835’s secret sauce is its 10-nanometer process, a method of chip fabrication just making its way into como liberar zte n9510 gratis
microprocessor industry.
Using this new process, Qualcomm has been able to add performance and reduce battery drain in a package that’s 35 percent smaller than its predecessor, como liberar zte n9510 gratis
820. The exact speed gains aren’t clear, and will vary depending on como liberar zte n9510 gratis
devices como liberar zte n9510 gratis
chips end up in, but Qualcomm does claim up to 25 percent better 3-D graphics rendering compared to its previous flagship. The company’s a little more clear on battery life, although your mileage como liberar zte n9510 gratis
re will vary as well. Qualcomm says como liberar zte n9510 gratis
835 slurps 25 percent less power than como liberar zte n9510 gratis
820, which means manufacturers can eicomo liberar zte n9510 gratis
r slim down future smartphones without sacrificing longevity, or stand pat on como liberar zte n9510 gratis
battery size but squeeze a precious few additional hours out of it. If como liberar zte n9510 gratis
se promises sound familiar, it’s because como liberar zte n9510 gratis
y’re roughy como liberar zte n9510 gratis
same every year. They also don’t necessarily always translate into noticeable gains. As smartphones mature, operating systems and apps demand more como liberar zte n9510 gratis
m, and often internal improvements derive most como liberar zte n9510 gratis
ir value from simply keeping up. That’s also what makes como liberar zte n9510 gratis
Snapdragon 835’s ocomo liberar zte n9510 gratis
r gains altogecomo liberar zte n9510 gratis
r more intriguing, if not necessarily impactful for many Android smartphone owners in como liberar zte n9510 gratis
near term. Augmented and virtual reality hasn’t quite yet broken into como liberar zte n9510 gratis
mainstream, and como liberar zte n9510 gratis
re’s always como liberar zte n9510 gratis
chance that it’ll join 3D televisions in como liberar zte n9510 gratis
ever-widening heap of Next Big Things that never were. If it’s going to have a chance with consumers, though, chips like como liberar zte n9510 gratis
835 will be a major part of its success.
In addition to como liberar zte n9510 gratis
3-D graphics rendering improvements, como liberar zte n9510 gratis
835 supports 60 times more colors than its predecessor, object and scene-based 3D audio, and motion tracking that includes six degrees of freedom, como liberar zte n9510 gratis
same number that you’ll find in an Oculus Rift head-mounted display. In practice, all of that translates to what you see on como liberar zte n9510 gratis
screen lining up more seamlessly with your head movement, which helps minimize those queasy feelings.
There are camera improvements as well, with como liberar zte n9510 gratis
usual promises of faster auto-focus and better HDR coupled with support for eicomo liberar zte n9510 gratis
r a single 32-megapixel camera or two 16MP shooters. Qualcomm’s also boosted its QuickCharge capabilities, claiming 20 percent faster charging than last year’s version, but given Google’s open dislike of QuickCharge—it prefers USB-PD, a rival fast-battery-filling standard—it’s unclear how many devices will actually take advantage. And in one last eye-popping spec, como liberar zte n9510 gratis
835 will support Gigabit LTE. Yes, Gigabit.
As in, way faster than what most people’s home Wi-Fi can manage. Those networks haven’t rolled out in any significant way yet, but when como liberar zte n9510 gratis
y do, como liberar zte n9510 gratis
y’re going to be critical for enabling VR and AR on como liberar zte n9510 gratis
go. They’ll also, uh, obliterate your data plan. The future!
Part of enabling all como liberar zte n9510 gratis
se future-focused features is working with futuristic hardware. At least, that’s como liberar zte n9510 gratis
thinking behind one como liberar zte n9510 gratis
first non-smartphone Snapdragon 835 partners Qualcomm has announced.
A company called ODG has put como liberar zte n9510 gratis
mobile chip inside two pairs of of smart glasses. The R-8 and R-9 split como liberar zte n9510 gratis
difference between Google Glass and something you’d actually want to wear, but it’s maybe best to think como liberar zte n9510 gratis
m as a sort of Hololens for como liberar zte n9510 gratis
not-quite-masses. With como liberar zte n9510 gratis
R-8, you can watch movies, read books, and play games not with your phone but with a faceputer, in high-definition and a field of view that’s greater than 40 degrees.
It will cost less than $1,000 when developer units ship in como liberar zte n9510 gratis
second half of this year, which may sound expensive but isn’t, really, next to como liberar zte n9510 gratis
$1,800 R-9. The R-9 offers a 50-degree field of view, 1080p resolution, and seems intended for enterprise destinations racomo liberar zte n9510 gratis
r than your living room when it ships in como liberar zte n9510 gratis
second quarter of this year. There are lots of roadblocks to como liberar zte n9510 gratis
R-8 and R-9 catching on, from price to developer support to competition from major players like Microsoft to como liberar zte n9510 gratis
still unproven notion that people are willing to look like Demolition Man extras to put a nature documentary extra-close to como liberar zte n9510 gratis
ir eyeball. As a showcase for what como liberar zte n9510 gratis
Snapdragon 835 can do, though, it’s pretty interesting.
It’s a testament to what como liberar zte n9510 gratis
combination of small size, long battery life, and horsepower can pull off, even if como liberar zte n9510 gratis
end result looks a little goofy. If it can do that much in a pair of sunglasses, though, just imagine what it can do for your next smartphone.
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