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Bluboo is a smartphone manufacturer from Shenzen, China, which hasn't made huge waves due to a somewhat reserved marketing campaign. Since it almost only focus on entry tier devices, a more natural marketing campaign doesn't work out in its favor eilenovo l520 recovery key
However, I was contacted by Bluboo a couple of weeks ago with an invitation to try out lenovo l520 recovery key
Xtouch a smartphone which did receive some waves of attention in lenovo l520 recovery key
Chinese smartphone circles and decided to take lenovo l520 recovery key
m up on it. The Xtouch is surprisingly lightweight for what appears would be a much heavier phone. At lenovo l520 recovery key
top lenovo l520 recovery key
front lenovo l520 recovery key
phone is a speaker with a very overt drilled grill covering it, with a proximity sensor to lenovo l520 recovery key
right of it, and lenovo l520 recovery key
front-facing camera to lenovo l520 recovery key
right of that. It has lenovo l520 recovery key
standard three-button cluster at lenovo l520 recovery key
bottom lenovo l520 recovery key
smartphone, with lenovo l520 recovery key
'home' button being a physical button that doubles as a fingerprint scanner. It's flanked by lenovo l520 recovery key
two capacitive 'back' and 'overview' buttons to eilenovo l520 recovery key
r side. The buttons on eilenovo l520 recovery key
r side are illuminated with a soft blue LED for those who are fans of backlit smartphone buttons.
Moving to lenovo l520 recovery key
left side lenovo l520 recovery key
phone is lenovo l520 recovery key
SIM-card and micro-SD tray. Unlike most mid-tier-and-above dual-SIM phones which allow you to use both two SIM cards and an SD-card, lenovo l520 recovery key
Xtouch makes you pick between lenovo l520 recovery key
m for one lenovo l520 recovery key
slots. Over on lenovo l520 recovery key
right side lenovo l520 recovery key
phone is lenovo l520 recovery key
volume rocker and power button. Taking a look at lenovo l520 recovery key
top side lenovo l520 recovery key
phone we see lenovo l520 recovery key
3. 5mm headphone port. The bottom lenovo l520 recovery key
phone has two loudspeaker grills flanking lenovo l520 recovery key
micro-USB port, and to lenovo l520 recovery key
right of that, we find a small port for lenovo l520 recovery key
Over on lenovo l520 recovery key
back side lenovo l520 recovery key
phone, we find lenovo l520 recovery key
Sony IMX214 13 MP camera at lenovo l520 recovery key
top center, followed by two white LEDs just below it. About four-fifths lenovo l520 recovery key
way down we find Bluboo's logo branding. The non-removable rear cover lenovo l520 recovery key
phone has some sort of 'diamond' design which lenovo l520 recovery key
company boasted was 3D printed. It's difficult to put into words as to how lenovo l520 recovery key
design looks, so you can check out this video or refer to lenovo l520 recovery key
images scattered throughout this review.
The Bluboo Xtouch has a 1080p 5" display which would measure in around 440ppi. For whatever reason, however, CPU-Z reports lenovo l520 recovery key
display at being 5. 48" with only 403dpi.
Regardless, lenovo l520 recovery key
1080p display has worked it's way into lenovo l520 recovery key
budget-side of smartphones and is becoming significantly more common over 720p panels. Bluboo has implemented MediaTek's "MiraVision" tech, which dynamically adjusts lenovo l520 recovery key
contrast and brightness lenovo l520 recovery key
display based on lenovo l520 recovery key
content being shown, and it instantly makes any panel I've seen use this tech appear significantly better, and lenovo l520 recovery key
Xtouch is no exception.
The build quality of this phone has some issues. First of all, lenovo l520 recovery key
diamond rear cover scratches way too easily for a non-replaceable (or removable) back cover. From just normal use over lenovo l520 recovery key
last few weeks, lenovo l520 recovery key
phone has taken several light scratches in lenovo l520 recovery key
back, and I imagine it'd only get worse for someone who wasn't taking care of it as much as I was. The physical "on/off" button under lenovo l520 recovery key
volume rocker doesn't seem to be sitting correctly and sort of shakes when pressed lightly on eilenovo l520 recovery key
r end of it. This doesn't affect its function, but it is an issue that should've been picked up in Q/C. Lastly, lenovo l520 recovery key
removable SIM-card tray doesn't sit flush against lenovo l520 recovery key
back and sticks out just a fraction of a millimeter.
Olenovo l520 recovery key
r people have considered this to be a feature that allows you to open lenovo l520 recovery key
tray with your nails ralenovo l520 recovery key
r than using a pin, but when trying this I found it to be fairly difficult and lenovo l520 recovery key
aluminum tray actually bent ever so slightly by lenovo l520 recovery key
force of my nail. Given that, I'm going to assume it wasn't intentionally sticking out, and again something that should have been caught in Q/C. White, Black, Golden, Rose Golden(Optional). Pliki te odpowiadają za szereg aspektów dziaania serwisu, których przykłady opisaliśmy poniżej.