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Exe, create a shortcut on your desktop, or continue to work from bin folder, as you like. After you downloaded your ROM and unzipped it, run QFIL. exe. Select Flat Build option under Select Build Type, lenovo k910 latest firmware
n click Browse under Select Programmer and locate lenovo k910 latest firmware
mbn file that is starting with prog_emmc_firehose. In my example its prog_emmc_firehose_8936. mbn, 8936 is lenovo k910 latest firmware
code number for Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 chipset, for ZUK Z1 it will be prog_emmc_firehose_8974.

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mbn, 8974 is lenovo k910 latest firmware
code for Snapdragon 801 series. Then, under Download click Load XML tab at lenovo k910 latest firmware
right end lenovo k910 latest firmware
window, lenovo k910 latest firmware
pop-up window will locate lenovo k910 latest firmware
rawprogram0. xml that we need. After you select it and click Open anolenovo k910 latest firmware
r pop-up window will come automatically and show you patch0.
xml to select. Now it’s time to open our so called Qualcomm HS-USB Qdloader 9008 service port to work with. If your phone is in working condition, we will use an adb command from command prompt :If your phone is bricked / can’t boot up / stuck at logo / restarting itself continuously, lenovo k910 latest firmware
n we will use lenovo k910 latest firmware
key combination to open our Qualcomm HS-USB Qdloader 9008 service port. That key combination depends on lenovo k910 latest firmware
ROM that you had on your phone before it’s bricked. Qfil will recognize HS-USB Qdloader 9008 port and Download tab/option will be ready to click.
Click it immediately if you opened lenovo k910 latest firmware
port with key combination because after 5 seconds phone will restart, if you click Download in time, lenovo k910 latest firmware
Qfil will hold lenovo k910 latest firmware
port and start flashing our ROM. If you opened lenovo k910 latest firmware
port with adb command, no need to hurry, port will stay open as long as you press power button long enough to reset. Look at lenovo k910 latest firmware
Status window.
If you see Switch To FireHose and Wait for 3 seconds. lines lenovo k910 latest firmware
n everything seems fine, Qfil will start to flash our Qualcomm Lenovo/ZUK’s. If you see Download Fail line at lenovo k910 latest firmware
end, please press power button long enough to reset lenovo k910 latest firmware
phone/port and try again. After Qfil finishes flashing, in our example it took 2 Min. and 58 Sec. , lenovo k910 latest firmware
phone will be reset from lenovo k910 latest firmware
program itself.
You can close Qfil after you see Waiting for reset done… ignoring any pop-up. Your phone is rescued/unbricked and will boot with your new ROM. Congratulations !Please request Qfil Rom links of your Lenovo variant in lenovo k910 latest firmware
comments below. For new ZUK Z2 series, lenovo k910 latest firmware
re are still no Qfil ROMs online.
So if you bought one of those models, be careful for now and before flashing any rom, READ carefully!. Overall its a great phone.
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