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あなたはどう思いますか? (Transformed SR 124 only) I believe that school swimsuits are more suited for students What do you think? (High kizuna, transformed SR 124 only) Hehe, let's play beach volleyball next! I'm having so much fun and feel so happy today. 悩んだりしたときは、思い切って運動しちゃいましょう。意外とすっきりするものです (Untransformed SR 162 only) Whenever you're troubled by something, do some exercise.
Surprisingly, it calms you down. 弓道と同じで、どの競技も最後は己との戦いになります。揺るがない精神を保ちたいですね (Transformed SR 162 only) Like archery, any competition is a battle against yourself. You must make sure your mind never wavers. 『応援ビーム、君たちに届いたかな?ビビッ☆』…やっぱり見ないでください (High kizuna, transformed SR 162 only) "Has my cheer beam reached you all? Bzzt☆" Never mind, please look away. 旬の野菜を多く摂るようにしたいですよね。その方が美味しくて、栄養もありますから (Untransformed SR 184 only) You want to use as many in-season vegetables as possible.
They're more delicious and nutritious that way. 食べ過ぎてしまったときは、次の日の運動で取り戻しましょう!大丈夫。私がついていますから (High kizuna, transformed SR 184 only) If you eat too much, just exercise it off zte model f160 unlock code
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