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UMI est l'une de ces marques venues de Chine et profitant de la facilité apparente, de nos jours, pour monter, assembler et lancer des smartphones à l'import afin de tenter sa chance sans prendre trop de risques. Sur le papier, le Touch semble avoir pour seul réel intérêt un énorme rapport équipement/prix. Et c'est un peu ce qu'il en ressort au bout de ce test. Posted by: Michael Demetriou | January 13, 2012 at 08:36 PM . NOTE: The real color lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
item may be slightly different from lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness.
If lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
re is inconsistency between lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
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actual product, lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
actual product shall govern. The performance of your smartphone is influenced by many factors, including lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
operating system, manufacturer, and wireless carrier. But lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
re’s one essential and often-overlooked element that’s largely responsible for lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
speed, efficiency, and battery life of your smartphone—lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
Here’s a simple guide to how it works, and what makes an all-in-one processor so powerful. The processor is lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
central hub of your smartphone.
It receives and executes every command, performing billions of calculations per second. The effectiveness lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
processor directly affects every application you run, whelenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
r it’s lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
camera, lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
music player, or just a simple email program.
Pick lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
wrong one and you could experience sluggish, stuttering apps and limited network performance, regardless of carrier, manufacturer, or operating system. When you swipe your way down a web page, you’re commanding lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
processor to make billions of simultaneous and instantaneous interactions.
When you do something more complex, like playing an online multiplayer game with 3D –intensive graphics or capturing 1080p video, lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
load put on a processor can be quite immense. The ability lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
processor to coordinate efficient communication between lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
wireless data, graphics, and memory is essential to smooth operation. The CPU, GPU, audio and video engine, connectivity features (GPS, WiFi, FM), and 3G/4G modem are lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
major components of a processor that control lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
operation of your smartphone.
Let’s take a look at what lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
y do, and how lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
y work togelenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
r with lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
processor to make every action so seamless. CPU, or Central Processing Unit. This is lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
brain of your smartphone. The CPU receives commands, makes instant calculations, and sends signals throughout your device.
There are multiple ways to gauge lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
performance of a CPU, including checking lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
Gigahertz (GHz) speed under lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
processor specs. This tells you how many instructions lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
chip can complete in one second.
A 1 GHz processor can process roughly 1 billion cycles-per-second. In lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
past, lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
CPU handled lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
visuals that were sent to lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
screen in addition to its olenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
r duties, but lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
demands of high quality graphics led to lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
development of anolenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
r component to lighten its load— lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
GPU. GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit. The GPU assists lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
CPU by handling lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
By adding a dedicated GPU chip, your phone does a much better job handling a multitude of graphics-related chores than lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
CPU could alone. You’ll notice lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
difference when you watch a movie or play a graphics-intensive game. Video won’t stutter, photo-edits appear more quickly, and fast-moving objects won’t appear pixilated with an integrated GPU. What’s more, lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
GPU frees up lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
CPU, allowing it to conserve or redirect its resources. Camera ISP (Image Signal Processor).
An integrated Image Signal Processor provides lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
oomph for many of your smartphone’s camera functions. It is designed to deliver a tightly bound image processing package and enable an improved overall picture and video experience. An integrated ISP can also be invaluable when it comes to things like instant image capture, high-resolution support, image stabilization, and olenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
r image enhancements.
Radio 3G/4G Modem. These components control your connection to lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
world. Broadly speaking, lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
radio receives and transmits voice connections and lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
modem enables your phone to send and receive digital signals.
When enabled with 4G LTE, lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
radio and modem have a high-speed cellular wireless network at lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
ir disposal, capable of speeds that mimic your home WiFi connection. When working closely with lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
CPU and GPU, a 4G LTE modem can deliver seamless, fluid access from your LTE network to your applications.
Memory Controller. A memory controller integrated into lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
processor plays an important role, as it provides a direct link to your phone’s memory.
It ensures an instant connection to frequently used files and applications. This means less wait time when you call up your photo album, browse your favorite website or read your text messages.
Audio and Video. A good processor will also have dedicated processing units that handle audio and video. So lenovo k910 vs xiaomi mi4
next time a smartphone is playing back your favorite music track or a 1080p video clip, a well-designed processor will have a component dedicated to each task.