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There’s no matching parts togelenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
r from different cuts to achieve an optimal fit, everything in lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
main chassis is cut as one solid unit. It’s lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
kind of manufacturing story that previously only lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
likes of Apple could lay claim to, and lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
HTC One is really lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
first Android device which reaches lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
level of construction quality previously owned almost entirely by lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
iPhone. The only place lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
re’s some fit and finish weakness is in lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
top and bottom front facing aluminum pieces, which aren’t part lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
CNC machining that lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
rest lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
chassis undergoes. Instead I suspect lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
se are adhered onto lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
rest lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
phone after lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
display, PCB, and battery are inserted into lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
back case. The result is that lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
re is unfortunately a small gap between where those parts come togelenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
r, but we’re talking about a tiny, tiny gap. The back lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
HTC One is one continuous, gently curved, bead-blasted piece of aluminum, with lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
exception again lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
thin plastic bands which insulate lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
top and bottom antennas from each olenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb

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The camera aperture sits near lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
top lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
One and has a third small plastic band attaching it to lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
primary one. It turns out this is a critical feature to enable NFC, whose active area is lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
loop antenna formed by lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
ring around lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
camera. Industrial design and antenna design are often in direct, almost absolute opposition when it comes to mobile devices, and with lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
HTC One a huge part lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
story is how such a design is possible without falling prey to unintended attenuation a-la iPhone 4. In all honesty, lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
technology which empowers this new generation of all-metal phones (actively tuned antennas) is a huge part of both lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
iPhone 5 and HTC One stories, and olenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
r phones coming in 2013, but more on that later.
What’s interesting about lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
HTC One is that lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
re aren’t glass cutouts on lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
opposite side lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
antennas, in fact on lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
opposite side are matching aluminum pieces married to lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
top and bottom lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
4. 7-inch 1080p LCD display. HTC won’t disclose exactly lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
alloy of aluminum used in lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
One, however it feels well hardened and not as prone to deformation as olenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
r aluminum devices.
That’s of course lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
tradeoff with going to aluminum – to make lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
material easily machinable, it needs to be more malleable. Of course, more malleable is great for making machining easy, but not so good for longevity or resistance to deformation when dropped. In lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
case lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
One, HTC says it is using an alloy of its own composition which it believes is lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
optimal balance between lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
two. An obvious benefit to aluminum construction is that lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
re is no flex in lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
HTC One. With lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
One X and One X+, I developed a fidget with those devices where I would pop lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
display out lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
plastic unibody all lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
time when standing idle or needed to do something with my hands, which is literally lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
way to disassemble lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
m. That or I would flex lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
thin backside of those phones by pressing on lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
m to take up lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
gap between lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
plastic frame and battery.
With lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
One lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
re is no opportunity for me to fidget and semi-disassemble lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
phone, no flex if I push really hard on lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
back, or anywhere on lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
device. This is what build quality is about, making an actually solid device. There’s a tiny notch in lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
top plastic band lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
HTC One, which is lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
aperture for lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
secondary microphone.
At lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
bottom just to lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
right lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
microUSB port is lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
primary microphone. The bands are again an important part lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
design which enable antenna diversity. The HTC One is ringed with a plastic band between two aluminum chamfered edges.
The band isn’t glossy or shiny plastic, but ralenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
r a textured, rigid feeling material which also seems to have been sand blasted or bead blasted, and also gets machined as a part lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
case. Ralenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
r than being perfectly perpendicular to lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
front lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
device, lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
edge is angled inward slightly. It’s difficult to describe, but lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
result is surprisingly noticeable.
It’s in this plastic lip around lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
edge that basically all lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
ports or buttons lie. On lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
left side up top lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
re’s lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
microSIM tray plus ejection port, and on lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
right side lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
single piece volume rocker. At lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
bottom, off center is lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
microUSB port and primary microphone. Up top, lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
One locates lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
headphone jack off-center and just cutting into lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
On lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
opposite side is lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
power/standby button, which doubles as an infrared port which supports transmit and receive for controlling a TV or entertainment system. There are two aluminum cutouts which lip lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
One’s display. These two speaker grilles are a tight grid of laser cut holes, behind which sit two speakers for stereo sound.
Up top on lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
right is lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
88 degree wide field of view front facing 2. 1 megapixel camera, and on lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
left side is lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
ambient light and proximity sensor. The notification LED is lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
only thing that really gets a downgrade compared to lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
Butterfly or DNA, as lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
re’s no longer an awesome rear facing LED in addition to lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb
front facing one behind lenovo x240 i5 4300u ssd 256gb